Scarcity vs. Abundance

advice business mindset Jun 22, 2022

If you want to become a successful virtual assistant, you are going to have some mindset challenges. You are going to have to unlearn a lot of what you already know. You are going to have to challenge yourself in different ways, and you are going to have to keep leveling up.

The best way to think about this new journey ahead of you, is what kind of mindset do you have? Do you have a scarcity mindset, or an abundance mindset?

Scarcity mindset is thinking that the world of business does not have enough to provide for everyone. Many people operate under this mindset because of how our economy is set up. We are constantly being told that there aren’t enough jobs for everyone, that there isn’t enough money, there isn’t enough opportunity. When we embody this belief, we make choices out of fear. That fear based choice makes decisions like settling for a job that doesn’t really make you happy, or believing that your income is tied to the amount of hours that you put in. Even if you are a VA, if you operate with the scarcity mindset, you will settle for jobs that don’t really serve you, keep your rates low from fear of losing out on opportunities, and create burnout very fast. If you haven’t caught on already, people who have a scarcity mindset, don’t typically make much money. 

Abundance mindset is the belief that the world has a lot of opportunities for you. It is valuing your work and your skills, and knowing that they will give you the income that you deserve. It is also a mindset framework that does not operate out of fear. The internet is full of potential clients that need your services. The world is increasingly becoming more technological, and the VA industry is growing rapidly every year. The pandemic has also shown people what it is like to be able to work from home, and have that level of freedom for their time and income. When you operate from an abundant mindset, you are pitching to clients that are aligned with your values, You are not decreasing your rates for fear of missing out. You know that you will be successful, because you are putting in the work. People with an abundant mindset typically make more money as a VA. 

The world is changing. The way we think about consumerism is changing. The needs of business owners are changing. The best part? Because of the internet, you don’t need to appeal to a wide and massive audience. You only need to appeal to people who are most likely to need your services. You only need to appeal to people who will benefit from our services. 

And when you think about it, that opens up so many more opportunities for you. So are you choosing to operate from an abundant or scarce mindset?


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