Scarcity vs. Abundance

Jun 22, 2022

If you want to become a successful virtual assistant, you are going to have some mindset challenges. You are going to have to unlearn a lot of what you already know. You are going to have to challenge yourself in different ways, and you are going to have to keep leveling up.

The best way to think about this new journey ahead of you, is what kind of mindset do you have? Do you have a scarcity mindset, or an abundance mindset?

Scarcity mindset is thinking that the world of business does not have enough to provide for everyone. Many people operate under this mindset because of how our economy is set up. We are constantly being told that there aren’t enough jobs for everyone, that there isn’t enough money, there isn’t enough opportunity. When we embody this belief, we make choices out of fear. That fear based choice makes decisions like settling for a job that doesn’t really make you happy, or believing that your income is tied to the amount of hours that you put...

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